I. Call To Order 00:03:49
II. Board of Zoning Appeals Statement 00:03:53
III. Consideration of Agenda 00:06:24
A. Zoning Appeal Petitions 00:06:25
1. #ZA-19410-00011 Venkata Mantri 00:06:40
2. #ZA-19410-00017 Ann Hoins/Young Sign Co. 00:09:43
3. #ZA-19410-00018 John Peterson 00:12:38
4. #ZA-19410-00019 Tom Nolte/Nolte & Associates 00:16:43
5. #ZA-19410-00020 Ronald Jury Trust/Jury & Assoc. 00:19:37
6. #ZA-19410-00021 Kelly Hrabe/Prairie Fire 00:21:38
I. Call To Order 00:30:51
III. Planning Commission Statement 00:31:47
IV. Consent Agenda 00:36:17
A. Special Use Permit Petitions 00:36:31
1. #SP-19402-00034 Dennis Covington/USD #500 00:37:09
2. #SP-19402-00035 Dennis Covington/USD #500 00:37:10
3. #SP-19402-00036 Dennis Covington/USD #500 00:37:19
4. #SP-19402-00054 Steve Beaumont/Beaumont Enter. 00:37:30
5. #SP-19402-00063 John Peterson for Kaw Valley Co 00:37:42
6. #SP-19402-00059 Billy Cobb/Bear Real Estate 00:38:02
7. #SP-19402-00060 Lauren Lueck/KVC Foundation 00:38:21
8. #SP-19402-00064 John Peterson for Kaw Valley Co 00:38:42
V. Non-Consent Agenda 00:41:37
A. Change of Zone Petitions 00:41:38
1. #CZ-19401-00009 Veronica Wesselhoft 00:41:58
2. #CZ-19401-00016 Tom Nolte/Nolte & Associates 00:43:52
B. Special Use Permit Petitions 00:49:11
1. #SP-19402-00082 Blakelund Moroney/Moroney Motor 00:49:13
2. #SP-19402-00026 Lolita Sanders 00:51:03
3. #SP-19402-00029 Thomas Morgan 00:53:45
4. #SP-19402-00032 Irvin Jackson with Jackson 01:05:47
6. #SP-19402-00039 John Peterson/Peterson Law 01:15:21
7. #SP-19402-00040 Sylvia Bedolla 01:18:35
8. #SP-19402-00042 Venkata Mantri 01:19:49
9. #SP-19402-00044 James Allen Bogert 01:21:15
10. #SP-19402-00050 Kelly Hormann/A Billion Bubble 01:25:08
11. #SP-19402-00051 Matt Gallinger with American 01:30:19
12. #SP-19402-00052 David & Deborah Beauchamp 01:33:00
13. #SP-19402-00055 Michael Rhodes 01:35:45
14. #SP-19402-00056 Ciaran Molloy with Woodyard 01:40:33
15. #SP-19402-00057 Amber Heather/Piper School 01:44:56
C. Vacation Petitions 01:48:22
1. #VC-19403-00003 01:48:23
D. Plan Review Petitions 01:57:39
1. #PR-19405-00010 Matt Gibbs with State4 01:57:40