BOZA I. Call to Order/Roll Call 00:11:01
II. Board of Zoning Appeals Statement 00:11:04
III. Consideration of Agenda 00:11:06
A. Zoning Appeals Petitions 00:11:08
1. #ZA-20410-00006 James McNeal 00:11:09
2. #ZA-20410-00008 Fernando Gomez/Envision 00:11:51
3. #ZA-20410-00010 Marlene Dade Trust 00:52:21
CP I. Call to Order 01:09:18
II. Planning Commission Statement 01:13:19
III. Consideration of Consent Agenda 01:26:20
1. #SP-20402-00008 Benjamin Stephens/Copart 01:30:45
3. #SP-20402-00018 John Peterson 02:50:26
IV. Consideration of Non-Consent Agenda 02:57:49
A. Change of Zone Petitions 02:58:28
1. CZ-20401-00001 James McNeal 02:58:53
B. Special Use Permit Applications 03:00:04
1. #SP-20402-00002 Justin Nelson/JMJ Crown 03:00:48
2. #SP-20402-00016 Thomas Pruden/FosterAdopt 03:19:04
3. #SP-20402-00019 Robert Markham/Elevated 03:33:39
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